Sweetwater Youth Ranch

Give me your lunch


One thing I have learned is not to be too disappointed when things don’t go as planned. God is never late; with that said, I also believe we have an enemy that delights in putting obstacles in our way to discourage us and even try to cause us to abort our mission.

We had every intention and expectation to move to the new property by the end of this year. Two months ago I put in an order for our phone service to be relocated on Dec. 30th. Yesterday, Dec. 27th I called to cancel the order…Unexpected expenses, delays, fence material and equipment being stolen along with vandalism to the residence has caused a setback. Last night I went into prayer with a heavy heart. I expected it to take a while to unload, starting with “Lord, if we could just get out there, there is an abundance of grass on the new property and we are just about out of hay”, then I stopped as the still small voice decided to be not so still and not so small; it was rather bold and quite clear saying “Give me your lunch”…My mind immediately was reminded of the story of the loaves and fishes…then several scriptures popped into my head – Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus ChristPhilippians 1:6 – In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. –Proverbs 3:6 – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. He was saying; “give me all you have and I will do the rest..keep doing what you know to do and I will use it for my glory”..I felt like I had been hit with a Gatling gun! I said Lord, Thank you so much! … and, lunch is on us..

Our new goal is to relocate to the new property by the first of March, 2014. In order to begin Spring sessions in April, we will need to have all fencing in place and the parking lot completed. We appreciate your prayers and support as we move forward…

If you would like to help; keep an eye on our website calendar for work days or just call us to volunteer any time. 828-253-2515  515-0932 Monetary donations can be made securely from this website or mailed to: Sweetwater Youth Ranch C/O Phillip Hughes, Sr. 25 Sweetwater Dr Asheville N.C. 28806 (155 Ramsey Rd.)

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