Sweetwater Youth Ranch


What is Sweetwater Youth Ranch?

Sweetwater Youth Ranch was born out of a calling to minister hope and healing to children and families in our own back yard. Our experience with horses and our faith led us to what we call Faith Based Horsemanship. 

The Founders

Picture of Phillip and Beverly Hughes

We are Phillip Sr. and Beverly Hughes.
Phillip was raised on a farm and together we have lived the farm life since we were married in 1983. Our experience with horses as a couple goes back to the day we met. Phillip was on a horse and I fell in love with both of them. Later on, we were introduced to Natural Horsemanship and thought it would be a great way to teach our children safety with horses. Little did we know that it would open a door that would lead to so much more.  Natural horsemanship is based on the relationship which develops through equal doses of love, leadership, and language which simply is equal to acceptance, respect, and communication; the very things needed in all relationships. The very thing that helped us raise teenagers!                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This Ranch is fulfilling a dream we have had for many years to be able to help children who are less fortunate or struggling with various issues which include but are not limited to a lack of confidence, mental, physical, or circumstantial difficulties. It is an honor for us to donate our time to make an impact in their lives.

March 2012 Sweetwater Youth Ranch became a 501-c-3 organization.


What do we offer and how much does it cost

While riding a horse is an amazing experience, we do not offer horseback riding, or riding lessons as part of our program. What we do offer, is time with the horses to learn about them and what they can teach us. 

The bible says in Job 12:7 to ask the beast and they will teach you.

We believe this about all Gods creation, but have personally experienced it first hand with the horse. They have so much they can teach us about     ourselves, about relationships, and most importantly about our Creator.

We offer scheduled 90 minute sessions for small groups of 3-4 persons ages 11 and up, and for family units of all ages.

Depending on the type of session, horses are included for demonstration, and or, for hands on learning.  All sessions include a biblical application.

Feeding and taking care of several horses can be very expensive but in order to make this opportunity accessible, we do not charge for sessions. How can we afford to do this? By the generous tax deductible donations of individuals, businesses and support of churches and fundraisers.


How you can help

There are several ways to help…


Work days/help with maintenance/landscaping projects


MONETARY: Unless designated for special use, monetary donations will be allotted for the general operating fund which covers program expenses, horse care, and Ranch maintenance.

 ITEMS: Brushes, combs, manure  forks, buckets, fly spray, grooming products, (Parelli natural)Ropes and halters                                                                                                                            

GROUNDS DEVELOPMENT: Granite screenings, Gates, Fencing materials, Building materials, Gravel for the parking area, Fertilizer and ground nutrients


All donations are tax deductible and appreciated.